Sunday 9 August 2015


By Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco (PhD)
1. Importance of a playful attitude
“Making money is fun. Life is supposed to be fun. And millions of people are living in fear instead of having fun. That’s the tragedy” Donald Trump

Playfulness is the natural essence of life. When you have a playful attitude you raise your energy levels. This, in turn, makes your desires manifest more quickly.  Instead, when you take your life activities too seriously, you are constraining your energy. This, in turn hinders the materialization of your dreams.
Playfulness is a state in which you are not offering any resistance. When you have a playful attitude, you take things as they are; you don’t try to force them.  Instead, you enjoy things in all their dimensions.  As a consequence, when you are playful on a continuous basis you tend to face up to life events in a much more easy way.
In general, many people don’t allow themselves to be playful frequently.  In that sense, in our society playfulness is unfairly associated with irresponsibility. Most people take their life activities too seriously, in some extreme cases like a toll, or an ordeal.
Most people tend to be overcommitted to their daily activities. They deal with them in an excessively earnest, and in some cases pushy, manner. Their activities are based on abnegation, which implies discipline, working hard, sacrificing pleasure, and making the best efforts. 
 For all those reasons people tend to feel distrust to what is playful. Many people don’t feel comfortable with activities that are not goal-oriented or structured.  Resnick says that people have low tolerance to playful or entertaining activities. According to this perspective, people tend to act in certain ways to avoid playful activities:
- They constantly hurry up at all times, even when it is not necessary
- They worry and feel guilty, even for insignificant things
- They get tense and have difficulty relaxing and resting, everything is considered a chore
-  They scarcely take time to reflect on things, their minds and bodies are on automatic pilot
- They dismiss their needs; they put discipline and abnegation above fun activities
- They have fear of taking actions that are beyond their comfort zone
- They act based on getting others’ approval; their inner guidance is obscured
- They are less prone to improvise and let things flow
2. Playfulness and prosperity
Bear in mind that everything in the Universe works effortlessly. You should learn from nature, which always functions with ease. For example, there is no drudgery when sea waves go up and down; the planets gyrate ceaselessly with no strain. Everything in the Universe, except people, works at ease, in harmonious perfection.
For this reason, you should take things in life more light-heartedly.  For example, consider your money issues less earnestly and, in turn you will be in a better state of receptivity regarding abundance.  In this sense, a playful attitude regarding money is opposite to any state of anxiousness, forcefulness, worry or desperation.
All these emotional states put you in the back seat. Each time you feel upset worried or impelled to act, you are generating negative vibrations, which in turn push your dreams away. Each time that you chase money or crave for a more prospering position you sweep those very things afar. 
Instead, joy always puts you in a receptive mode for prosperity. When you are playful, you are enjoying things at present. You are absorbed in the now, with authentic enthusiasm. This uplifting energy brings about the manifestation of your desires effortlessly. 
It’s your choice to feel good at all times; you can decide to have a playful attitude with anything that you do. Try to make this choice every day; as soon as you wake up.  If you follow this advice, you will realize that you feel lighter; and you will also notice that things in your life flow more effortlessly.
Playfulness always raises your energy levels. By having this attitude, you attract more good things into your life. It is advisable to have this playful attitude, even when you use any of the tools explained in this book, such as affirmations or visualization technique.
3. Exercises to have a playful attitude
You must consciously select activities supportive to this attitude. Choose the ones that do not drain your vital energy. Playful actions are related to joy and happiness. These activities are the opposite to states of fear and tension. Any activity that makes you feel good is adequate for this.
Feeling good is the final goal you want to achieve with all your dreams. In relation to money, you may argue and say that you want specific things, such as: buying a house, going on holiday, having a million pounds in your bank account, among other. If you analyse why you want all these things, you will conclude with no doubt, that is to feel good.
So it is important to feel good now, even without having those things.  Most people postpone their happiness until they fulfil their desires; they say that they cannot be gleeful because their dreams did not materialize.
However, from the metaphysical perspective, when you feel happy, playful and at ease now before fulfilling your desires (and not after achieving them), you will attract all your wishes more hastily. This happens because you radiate high vibrations, which accelerate the materialization of your dreams.
So having a constant playful attitude and good mood is a very effective shortcut for the manifestation of your desires. It’s very important that you feel good at all times.  For this reason, any ludic activity is supportive to this attitude. Playful activities put you in a state of excitement and lift your mood. Some examples of activities that put you in a playful state are:
- playing board games or sports
- reading jokes on the Internet
- attending recitals or shows
- listening to harmonious music
- taking a steam bath
- having a massage
- dancing salsa
- having holidays or a weekend break
- reading self-help books
- watching comedy movies
You can also pamper yourself with any other pleasurable activity. The main criterion to follow is to those activities that make you feel joyous.  For example, in the case of music, you can look for classical pieces, jazz or instrumental songs.  Songs with positive lyrics are suitable too.  In the case of movies, romantic comedies, comedies in general and cartoon movies are very appropriate. 
However, what is fun tends to very personal; this depends on the taste of each individual. The important thing to remember is that your choice should make you feel elated and relax. In this way you are congruently attuned with the manifestation of your desires.
Other things that can make you more playful are:
- Do things at your own pace, whenever possible.
- Focus on the present, and live it fully
- Consider problems as creative challenges
- Learn from the children’s natural playfulness
- Evoke past moments when you were playful
- Get in contact with people which make you feel happy
- Schedule some specific time per day for fun activities
- Indulge all your senses with pleasurable gifts (foods, perfumes, etc.)
You can also ask yourself certain questions in relation to money issues. Some examples of these questions are ““What way of earning money will provide me with more fun?”, “Which activities are more fulfilling for my mission?” “Which is the job that I would feel more joyous and authentic doing?” and “If I don’t need to worry about money, which activities will I perform every day?” among others. By answering these questions, you will get some interesting insights into your money issues.
On the other side, there are some activities that are opposite to a playful state. You have to avoid them, whenever possible. Some of them are, for example, reading the news, and in general absorbing all the negativity conveyed by media.  In that sense, most of the news is negative. For this reason, any news is likely to “pollute” your mental and emotional state. Negative events that you read in the newspaper or see on television continue to run in your mind without you noticing. They lower your mood and this, in turn, delays the materialization of your dreams. It’s obvious that other activities such as criticizing, complaining and moaning are also contrary to a playful attitude.
The famous author and billionaire entrepreneur Donald Trump has a special perspective about money. In that sense, he considers that being more prosperous is like a game, in which you should have fun. He suggests that you should always enjoy the process of making more money. He also encourages people to follow their mission and only do what they love and have fun with. In fact, his vision is opposite to the perspective of struggling and fearing losing money. 

 This article is based on my book "How to Manifest Money Effortlessly.Techniques to be more prosperous (Zero Books, 2014)" To find out more abou the book click on this link:

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